
Leo Prikler <leo.prik...@student.tugraz.at> writes:

> Hi,
> Am Mittwoch, den 28.07.2021, 18:33 +0200 schrieb Giovanni Biscuolo:
>> > > So it seems that also fluidsynth is not able to load that
>> > > SoundFont
>> > > [1]
>> > Ah, yes, I recall not being able to load that font with FluidSynth
>> > as
>> > well.  Back then I thought it was an error in FluidSynth, but it
>> > does
>> > appear to be an issue with the SoundFont then if not even MuseScore
>> > loads it.
>> Please are you reproducing the same error?
>> I tried installing musescore3 (v. 3.2.3) from Debian stable and AFAIU
>> that SoundFont is loaded (with a lot of warnings):
>> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
>> Loading soundfont: /usr/share/mscore3-
>> 3.2/sound/sf3/MuseScore_General.sf3
>> Loading soundfont: /home/giovanni/MuseScore3/SoundFonts/GeneralUser
>> GS v1.471.sf2
>> SoundFont(/home/giovanni/MuseScore3/SoundFonts/GeneralUser GS
>> v1.471.sf2) Sample(Grand Piano-D1) start(0) startloop(35640)
>> endloop(70786) end(70787) smaller than SoundFont 2.04 spec chapter
>> 7.10 recommendation
>> [...]
>> Loading soundfont: /usr/share/mscore3-
>> 3.2/sound/sf3/MuseScore_General.sf3
>> SoundFont(/usr/share/mscore3-3.2/sound/sf3/MuseScore_General.sf3)
>> Sample(Flute F#5) start(0) startloop(19435) endloop(29952) end(29955)
>> smaller than SoundFont 2.04 spec chapter 7.10 recommendation
>> [...]
>> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
>> musescore installed from Debian plays sounds using
>> MuseScore_General.sf3
> Ah, but that's Debian's MuseScore_General.sf3.  Those two could be
> different for all we know.  Did you binary diff them or did you try
> using the SoundFont from the Guix installation with Debian's MuseScore?
>> [...]
>> > > Could it be a bug in some library?
>> > If so, then it's two different libraries,
>> AFAIU the error
>> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
>> Sample::decompressOggVorbis: open failed: Not a valid SNDFILE*
>> pointer.
>> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
>> /seems/ to come from libsndfile [1], an input for both fluidsynth and
>> musescore
> Good point, it might be that libsndfile was compiled without Vorbis
> support.  However, there is also a nonzero chance that Fluidsynth or
> Musescore use libsndfile incorrectly, for instance w.r.t. Vorbis
> support [1].  Aside from the broken file hypothesis, that is...
>> > as MuseScore doesn't use FluidSynth for MIDI synthesis – it's more
>> > likely that the font is simply broken.
>> AFAIU this is not the case
> How so?
>> > It would be nice to investigate when that font first broke or if it
>> > ever worked.
>> I'll try to do it in the coming days
>> [...]
>> Happy hacking! Gio'
> Don't stress too much about it and happy hacking :)

musescore is now at 4.0.2, and I gave it a try and it can play sounds

Closing, let us know if you still are having issues!


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