Jan Nieuwenhuizen writes:


> To use stat64 and friends on 32bit, I created the attached patch for GNU
> Mes and hope to create a 0.24.2 release from
>     https://gitlab.com/janneke/mes/-/tree/wip-stat64
> Also, I have update my core-updates branch with preliminary 0.24.2 mes
> and mes-boot packages here
>     https://gitlab.com/janneke/guix/-/tree/core-updates

I've got a confirmation this works*, have released 0.24.2 and updated
mes-boot on core-updates as

Hoping to finally close these bugs!


*) https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2023-02/msg00137.html

Janneke Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org>  | GNU LilyPond https://LilyPond.org
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