"pelzflorian (Florian Pelz)" <pelzflor...@pelzflorian.de> writes:
> I shall try with fsync now.

fsyncing the database had no effect.  (In addition to Ludo’s
'stop-service', I had done

diff --git a/gnu/installer/final.scm b/gnu/installer/final.scm
index ef487805f0..13deffef85 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/final.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/final.scm
@@ -217,8 +217,16 @@ (define (assert-exit x)
              ;; alive.
              (stop-service 'guix-daemon)
-             ;; Restore the database and restart it.
+             ;; Restore the database.
              (copy-file saved-database database-file)
+             ;; Sync it to the filesystem.
+             (let* ((flags O_RDONLY)
+                    (fd (open database-file flags)))
+               (fsync fd)
+               (close fd))
+             ;; And restart guix-daemon.
              (start-service 'guix-daemon)
              ;; Finally umount the cow-store and exit the container.

The same two problems:

* If I resume a crashed installer, I need to resume twice because the
  first resume always fails immediately.

* With bad luck, it permanently fails, even a second, third, fourth,
  fifth time fail.

This is the same as without the fsync.  Fsync had no effect.  Still I
uploaded installer-dump-194618fa.


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