> OK, I've reread this, and it is indeed a risk, that 'unset could leak in > the case of a serializable configuration making use of a maybe-value > field of type maybe-symbol. I've added the unit test suggested as > 97cb43e732a38758c95b7caf3963507188d011cf (currently marked as 'expected > to fail'). Luckily no current service uses that.
thank you for that Maxim! and sorry for my initial, somewhat reactive, and emotionally driven response earlier! maintaining a channel with complex services, and finally getting the changes i needed merged into Guix proper was a source of frustration for me. i've looked at the current state of the code, and it looks good to me. the only issues i have left are the following: 1) the (eq 'unset ...) scattered around the code; it should be hidden behind an explicit abstraction, but you yourself mentioned this already in an earlier mail. i'd call it CONFIGURATION-FIELD-SET? (instead of MAYBE-SET?). it's longer, but we have completion in emacs, and it won't be used a gazillion times all around the code either. 2) the lack of an abstraction for the unset/unspecified value. whatever we use as the marker should be hidden behind either an exported global variable, or a function called UNSET-CONFIGURATION-FIELD! (or something alike). i should have introduced these myself, and then your fix would have been as simple as replacing *UNSPECIFIED* with 'UNSET in the abstraction. 3) the SYMBOL? corner case that your test captures, but it's not a burning issue for me (it doesn't affect the user facing API, once the above leakages are fixed). do you agree? if yes, will you implement it, or shall i prepare a patch? one more note: sometimes it's useful to have a field with a maybe type that also has a default, together with the ability to explicitly unset this field. an example would be a port specification for a torrent client: it has some default port, but it's possible to explicitly unset the port value to request the allocation of a random port at startup. to better accommodate for this use case, 2) should probably be implemented not as an UNSET-FOO! function, but as a global variable holding the unset value marker. or maybe both? -- • attila lendvai • PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39 -- “There is only one thing more harmful to society than an elected official forgetting the promises he made in order to get elected; that's when he doesn't forget them.” — John McCarthy (1927–2011), father of Lisp