Tobias Geerinckx-Rice schreef op za 28-05-2022 om 15:35 [+0000]:
> 'Accessible' just means 'available' (toeganklijk, same problem though).    
> It does not generally imply  'accesibility' as used in various fields of 
> engineering, although of course we're biased to read it so.
> Anyway, Maxime: do the buttons work for you once the codec's fixed?  My 
> computer seems to have frozen whilst building them.

Pressing the ‘pause’ buttons turns it into ‘play’ button and the other
way around.

The next chapter/movie button doesn't work, but the file that is
playing doesn't have any chapters, so not surprising.  OTOH, there is
another .mp4 in the same directory.

The previous/next chapter are ‘accessible’ in the sense that they are
visible, the cursor could be moved on top of them and moving the cursor
above them displays a tiny popup, but they are unclickable.

I don't know what exactly was meant by accessibility (the existence of
the buttons or the pressability?) in the bug report.

There is some weirdness though:

  * no sound (though that might be a problem in the played mp4 itself,
    there were some recording problems)
  * The pause/play button don't seem to have any effect apart from
    toggling what the button looks like -- the played mp4 remains


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