SYMPTOMS • Typing becomes slow, everywhere • Eventually, you can't type anymore (although cursor remains responsive, and RAM and CPU are not exhausted yet). • Input methods disappear from the list (e.g. Japanese when Super+Space). • .ibus-daemon-real shows abnormal use of RAM and CPU (see screenshots). • X shows abnormal use of RAM (see screenshots) • ibus-daemon-real disappears from the list of running processes.
Screeshots: X: ibus-daemon: ibus-daemon and X: STEPS TO REPRODUCE I haven't found reproducers myself (see ADDITIONAL INFORMATION for a possible way to reproduce). The times I experienced this problem I was typing on Emacs, DrRacket or Inkscape (other daily tools open, though). WORKAROUND Restart ibus: ibus-daemon -dxr SYSTEM INFORMATION • ibus 1.5.24 • ibus-anthy 1.5.9 • Inkscape 1.1.1 (3bf5ae0d25, 2021-09-20) • Guix Generation 55 Apr 18 2022 11:42:09 (current) guix 237d90a repository URL: branch: master commit: 237d90a7808cfdced34b34595eba16632cbcb89e • Guix system Generation 82 Apr 06 2022 12:04:21 file name: /var/guix/profiles/system-82-link canonical file name: /gnu/store/3w1z24rlg2jbnl63ybxylknz50br13h5-system label: GNU with Linux-Libre 5.16.17 bootloader: grub-efi kernel: /gnu/store/0bx2k3qslb9hw9cf52hl9xal39455maa-linux-libre-5.16.17/bzImage channels: guix: repository URL: branch: master commit: ab98b51ef1304e975da127e3092d01dcc7f02657 configuration file: /gnu/store/7s2xwvwvsa6nv3mmn6g65vra4mlmlw0w-configuration.scm ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Seemingly related bug report against the same version of ibus available in Guix: ibus high cpu usage and possible memory leak #2389 ( --- Luis Felipe López Acevedo
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Description: OpenPGP digital signature