On Fri, Mar 4, 2022 at 7:19 AM Leo Famulari <l...@famulari.name> wrote:
> I think we'll have to fix this bug the old-fashioned way: ... debugging

I tried a little stracing, which didn't illuminate anything.

The results of my attempt at diffing are described above; I intend to
try modifying the build steps, but if there's any advice for debugging
Python builds I'll gladly accept it.

The changes to the Python build system between the working commit and
the broken merge seem moderate, but I've only skimmed them. I haven't
dived into changes to dependencies yet.

When I installed the working version as described above, my desktop
shortcut stayed broken until I relogged or started it from a fresh
terminal. This seems like an environment issue to me, but the desktop
files didn't change in relevant ways.

> reporting it upstream

Given the similarity in the breakage over versions, it seems unlike an
upstream bug to me. The only similar issue I can find is the font one,
and the fonts are properly installed in the broken tree.

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