Hello Guix,

Installing nvme-cli into my user profile causes the following error to show at
bash login:

    bash: 'intel': syntax error: operand expected (error token is "'intel'")

Starting bash with xtrace enabled places the error at

    readonly _plugin_subcmds=(
        [intel]="id-ctrl internal-log lat-stats \
                set-bucket-thresholds lat-stats-tracking \

With a cursory glance, that looks like perfectly valid bash. Sourcing the file
directly produces a different set of errors:

$ guix shell --pure nvme-cli
bash-5.1$ source 
bash: supported-log-pages: command not found
bash: --clear-host-side-blks: command not found
 line 1387: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
 line 1406: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Is anyone else seeing the original error?

Unrelated, but I also notice that the outputs contain dracut definitions. Might
be worth tightening this package up a little?

B. Wilson

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