Am Donnerstag, dem 20.01.2022 um 09:03 +0000 schrieb John Hamelink:
> Hi Liliana,
> Liliana Marie Prikler <> writes:
> > It turns out this issue is actually related to another issue of
> > Guix' Emacs on foreign distros, which is it not finding timezones. 
> > Since I've found a permanent solution to both, I will close that
> > bug and pat myself on the back for doing so.
> Allow me to join in! That worked perfectly for me. Thank you :)
Good to hear.  Note that you can also write to
yourself, you don't need my permission to do so ;)  Anyway, done.

In order to avoid future instances of this issue, we should probably
drop a paragraph or two about it in the manual or (more likely) the
cookbook.  I'll get to that when I do.


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