Hi Mark,

>> I’m reconfiguring the server hosting issues.guix.gnu.org now, so this
>> change will go live as soon as that’s done.
> Hmm.  Your mail headers indicate that you wrote the words above more
> than 27 hours ago, but the problem persists on issues.guix.gnu.org.  I'm
> now looking at <https://issues.guix.gnu.org/43159> with EWW, and the
> line breaks in the diffs are still missing, making the diffs unreadable.
> I also fetched the same URL with Wget, and there are no <pre> elements
> within.  Any idea what's going on?

Yes, GC problems on berlin:

Pretty frustrating.  I only *just* got to reconfigure the machine and
restart mumi.  So it should really be fine now.


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