> ng0 wrote on 22 Jun 2017 14:35: > > In a pelican directory after running pelican-quickstart: > egrep -nr "store" > … > pelicanconf.py:1:#!/gnu/store/bf54hnwd8mb63zmssc23fwslf5zvxpxs-python-wrapper-3.5.3/bin/python > develop_server.sh:1:#!/gnu/store/k7029k5va68lkapbzcycdzj7m5bjb4b8-bash-4.4.12/bin/bash > publishconf.py:1:#!/gnu/store/bf54hnwd8mb63zmssc23fwslf5zvxpxs-python-wrapper-3.5.3/bin/python
This is a technically a bug, but it's in upstream and has no effect in practise, so I'll close this bug report. Details below. As of Pelican 4.7.0 which I've just submitted an update patch for, develop_server.sh is no longer created: $ egrep -nr "store" pelicanconf.py:1:#!/gnu/store/nckjv3ccwdi6096j478gvns43ssbls2p-python-wrapper-3.8.2/bin/python publishconf.py:1:#!/gnu/store/nckjv3ccwdi6096j478gvns43ssbls2p-python-wrapper-3.8.2/bin/python This is *technically* a bug because these configuration files are created once when the user is setting up their blog and will be used forever after. In practise though, there's no issue since these files are not executable - they are configuration only. This also isn't a packaging bug in Guix, it's upstream as zimoun suggests. Here's the first line of those files as generated by upstream pelican-quickstart: $ head -n1 pelicanconf.py publishconf.py ==> pelicanconf.py <== #!/usr/bin/env python ==> publishconf.py <== #!/usr/bin/env python These upstream files should not contain shebangs since they are not executable or ever intended to be executed directly - they're config only and have no functionality. Regards, Ben