Hello Maxim,

>> 1. rustc bootstrap from 1.39 (the itch to make it faster comes back
>> everytime I have to build it ;-)).
> I'm nearing completion on this front.

That will be a welcomed improvement!

>> 2. fontconfig update that should allow per-profile fonts management via
>>   XDG_DATA_DIRS (I have the commit ready, but failed to test it due to
>>   having to build rust and getting distracted by 1. :-))
> I'll propose a few patches to include in the 'frozen' core-updates
> branch since we've found a world-rebuilding change worthy of addressing
> anyway (the patch below).

Great! As we are going for a full rebuild, maybe we should also consider
some of the Thiago fixes targeting core-updates-frozen such as

> Sadly the plain .tar file was/is not covered by tests (and not easily
> so), but if his was my only omission, it should be correct (TM).
> Attentive review needed :-).

This seems reasonable and I'm currently rebuilding the world to test
this fix and the Python fix. I should maybe apply your Rust bootstrap
patch if you have it around to gain some time.

Thanks for all those fixes!


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