mer. 11 août 2021 at 18:25, Leo Famulari ...

On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 11:49:01AM +0200, Cayetano Santos wrote:
Sure. Just issue a

   guix install duplicity

and then

   duplicity /tmp sftp://dummy_user@sftp.server/dummy_backup

you’ll get a

BackendException: Could not initialize backend: No module named 'paramiko'


Thanks! I tested by adding python-paramiko to native-inputs [0], changed the dummy values to something meaningful, and tried your command:

$ duplicity /tmp sftp://leo@domain/dummy_backup
Local and Remote metadata are synchronized, no sync needed.
Last full backup date: none
GnuPG passphrase for decryption: %

I didn't go past that point but it seems to fix the specific bug you
reported. So, I pushed the change:

You can do `guix pull --commit=b1c97ff60b8 && guix package --upgrade=duplicity`
to get the new version of the package.

[0] It's unusual for run-time dependencies like paramiko to be a
native-input. Typically, native-inputs are just build-time dependencies. Maybe there is some room for improvement in our Duplicity package...

Fixed, thanks !

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