
> Does Parted provide a way to tell whether a storage device is read-only?
> That would be ideal.

Yes it does, but this is not enough for a reliable installation device
detection. In Qemu the installation device is /dev/sr0 that is
reported as read-only by parted.

Using real hardware, and an installation device on an USB drive, the
installation device is /dev/sd* and is not reported as read-only by

However, I found a better way to detect the installation device, that
relies on reading the root partition UUID from the command line.

I combined the read-only parted method and the UUID based installation
device detection in e12be802e02b3345a753e7ec1287852a7337a0a5. This seems
to work well for all my machines, plus for your VM use case.

Closing this one,



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