
Madhavan Krishnan <krishnanmadhavan...@gmail.com> skribis:

>> Does /etc/guix/signing-key.{pub,sec} exist on both machines?
>> You can generate it with ‘guix archive’ (info "(guix) Invoking guix
>> archive").
> Yes, the files are generated by
>    #+begin_example
> sudo guix archieve --generate-key
>    #+end_example
>   /etc/guix/signing-key.pub
>   /etc/guix/signing-key.sec
> and send the =signing-key.pub= to the build machine.
> #+begin_src shell
> sudo guix archieve --authorize< master/build.txt
> #+end_src
> both ways master <-> build

OK, so /etc/guix/acl exists on both machines, right?

Could you attach strace to sshd on the build machine:

  sudo strace -p $(pidof sshd) -f -o /tmp/sshd.log -s 500

and then run this on the head machine:

  sudo guix offload test


Looking at /tmp/sshd.log starting from the end might reveal an error
that occurs on the build machine.

You can share (part of) /tmp/sshd.log with me, but note that it may
contain sensitive material such as SSH secret keys or passwords.


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