Luis Felipe <> writes:

> 1. guix install pioneer
> 2. run pioneer from a terminal
> The game starts and I can play it.
> The game starts, but fails while loading assets. It displays a message that 
> says:
>   Error while loading Space Station data (check stdout/output.txt). [OK]
> Pressing OK exits the game. The location of the TXT file is 
> ~/.pioneer/output.txt, which reads:
> ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
> [20:54:44]    Info: ver 19700101 on: Linux
> [20:54:44]    Info: System Name: Linux
> Host Name: gnu
> Release(Kernel) Version: 5.11.19-gnu
> Kernel Build Timestamp: #1 SMP 1
> Machine Arch: x86_64
> Domain Name: (none)
> [20:54:45]    Info: --------------------
> [20:54:45]    Info: SDL Version (build) 2.0.12
> [20:54:45]    Info: SDL Version (dynamic) 2.0.12
> [20:54:45]    Info: SDL Versions match
> [20:54:45]    Info: SDL_image Version (build): 2.0.5
> [20:54:45]    Info: SDL_image Version (dynamic): 2.0.5
> [20:54:45]    Info: SDL_image Versions match
> [20:54:45]    Info: Assimp Version: 4.1.0
> [20:54:45]    Info: FreeType Version: 2.10.4
> [20:54:45]    Info: GLEW dynamic version: 2.0.0
> [20:54:45]    Info: --------------------
> [20:54:45]    Info: Initialized OpenGL 3.1, with extensions, renderer
> [20:54:46]    Info: Initializing joystick subsystem.
> [20:54:46]    Info: Found joystick 'Core (Plus) Wired Controller' (GUID: 
> 03000000d620000011a7000011010000)
> [20:54:46]    Info: - 4 axes, 14 buttons, 1 hats
> [20:54:46]    Info: font orbiteer:
> [20:54:46]    Info: - Orbiteer-Bold.ttf 1.000000
> [20:54:46]    Info: - DejaVuSans.ttf 1.200000
> [20:54:46]    Info: - wqy-microhei.ttc 1.000000
> [20:54:46]    Info: font pionillium:
> [20:54:46]    Info: - PionilliumText22L-Medium.ttf 1.000000
> [20:54:46]    Info: - DejaVuSans.ttf 0.928571
> [20:54:46]    Info: - wqy-microhei.ttc 1.000000
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Loaded economy agricultural (id 1)
>       generation: agri. 1.00 ind. 0.00 metal. 0.00 pop. 1.00 random 0.00
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Loaded economy industrial (id 2)
>       generation: agri. 0.00 ind. 1.00 metal. 0.00 pop. 1.00 random 0.00
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Loaded economy mining (id 3)
>       generation: agri. 0.00 ind. 0.00 metal. 1.00 pop. 1.00 random 0.00
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity animal_meat (1) loaded (producer: 1, price: 
> 125.0, inputs: 16:1.0, 17:1.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity fruit_and_veg (2) loaded (producer: 1, price: 
> 105.0, inputs: 16:1.0, 17:1.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity grain (3) loaded (producer: 1, price: 41.0, 
> inputs: 16:1.0, 17:1.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity liquor (4) loaded (producer: 1, price: 422.0, 
> inputs: 16:1.0, 17:1.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity live_animals (5) loaded (producer: 1, price: 
> 932.0, inputs: 16:1.0, 17:1.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity slaves (6) loaded (producer: 1, price: 1011.0, 
> inputs: 0:0.0, 0:0.0, legality: 6%)
> [20:54:46] Warning: Commodity rubbish has invalid producing economy ALL
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity rubbish (7) loaded (producer: 0, price: -0.7, 
> inputs: 0:0.0, 0:0.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity air_processors (8) loaded (producer: 2, price: 
> 204.0, inputs: 23:1.0, 11:1.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity battle_weapons (9) loaded (producer: 2, price: 
> 607.0, inputs: 19:1.0, 11:1.0, legality: 33%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity computers (10) loaded (producer: 2, price: 
> 461.0, inputs: 30:1.0, 11:1.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity industrial_machinery (11) loaded (producer: 2, 
> price: 124.0, inputs: 19:1.0, 14:1.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity medicines (12) loaded (producer: 2, price: 
> 563.0, inputs: 10:1.0, 26:1.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity nerve_gas (13) loaded (producer: 2, price: 
> 813.0, inputs: 0:0.0, 0:0.0, legality: 10%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity robots (14) loaded (producer: 2, price: 829.0, 
> inputs: 23:1.0, 10:1.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity consumer_goods (15) loaded (producer: 2, price: 
> 246.0, inputs: 23:1.0, 25:1.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity farm_machinery (16) loaded (producer: 2, price: 
> 80.0, inputs: 19:1.0, 14:1.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity fertilizer (17) loaded (producer: 2, price: 
> 15.0, inputs: 26:1.0, 0:0.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity hand_weapons (18) loaded (producer: 2, price: 
> 251.0, inputs: 19:1.0, 10:1.0, legality: 50%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity metal_alloys (19) loaded (producer: 2, price: 
> 43.0, inputs: 29:1.0, 11:1.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity military_fuel (20) loaded (producer: 2, price: 
> 49.0, inputs: 27:1.0, 0:0.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity mining_machinery (21) loaded (producer: 2, 
> price: 312.0, inputs: 19:1.0, 14:1.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity narcotics (22) loaded (producer: 2, price: 
> 632.0, inputs: 0:0.0, 0:0.0, legality: 50%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity plastics (23) loaded (producer: 2, price: 36.0, 
> inputs: 26:1.0, 11:1.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity radioactives (24) loaded (producer: 2, price: 
> -4.4, inputs: 0:0.0, 0:0.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity textiles (25) loaded (producer: 2, price: 65.0, 
> inputs: 23:1.0, 0:0.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity carbon_ore (26) loaded (producer: 3, price: 
> 7.0, inputs: 21:1.0, 0:0.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity hydrogen (27) loaded (producer: 3, price: 5.0, 
> inputs: 0:0.0, 0:0.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity liquid_oxygen (28) loaded (producer: 3, price: 
> 9.8, inputs: 31:1.0, 11:1.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity metal_ore (29) loaded (producer: 3, price: 
> 43.0, inputs: 21:1.0, 0:0.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity precious_metals (30) loaded (producer: 3, 
> price: 2180.0, inputs: 21:1.0, 0:0.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Commodity water (31) loaded (producer: 3, price: 1.2, 
> inputs: 21:1.0, 0:0.0, legality: 100%)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Loaded consumable data for commodity air_processors (8) 
> -> (32-128, 0.50)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Loaded consumable data for commodity animal_meat (1) -> 
> (32-128, 0.50)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Loaded consumable data for commodity consumer_goods (15) 
> -> (32-128, 1.00)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Loaded consumable data for commodity fruit_and_veg (2) -> 
> (32-128, 0.50)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Loaded consumable data for commodity grain (3) -> 
> (32-128, 0.50)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Loaded consumable data for commodity hand_weapons (18) -> 
> (32-128, 1.00)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Loaded consumable data for commodity liquid_oxygen (28) 
> -> (32-128, 0.50)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Loaded consumable data for commodity liquor (4) -> 
> (32-128, 1.00)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Loaded consumable data for commodity medicines (12) -> 
> (32-128, 1.00)
> [20:54:46]   Debug: Loaded consumable data for commodity narcotics (22) -> 
> (32-128, 1.00)
> [20:54:46]    Info: Loaded economy info: 3 economies, 31 commodities (10 
> consumable)
> [20:54:46]    Info: started 3 worker threads in 0.40ms
> [20:54:46]    Info: Engine startup took 2155.33ms
> [20:54:46]    Info: LoadStep::Start()
> [20:54:46]    Info: ShipType::Init()
> [20:54:46]    Info: Lua::Init()
> [20:54:46]    Info: Loading [08%]: Lua::InitModules() started
> [20:54:47]    Info: nanosvg: 
> /gnu/store/7vanv8nyf48vb2jndlfd694cyhqrfpn4-pioneer-20210203/share/games/pioneer/icons/icons.svg
>  384x384
> [20:54:47]    Info: nanosvg: 
> /gnu/store/7vanv8nyf48vb2jndlfd694cyhqrfpn4-pioneer-20210203/share/games/pioneer/icons/icons.svg
>  512x512
> [20:54:47]    Info: nanosvg: 
> /gnu/store/7vanv8nyf48vb2jndlfd694cyhqrfpn4-pioneer-20210203/share/games/pioneer/icons/icons.svg
>  1024x1024
> [20:54:47]    Info: nanosvg: 
> /gnu/store/7vanv8nyf48vb2jndlfd694cyhqrfpn4-pioneer-20210203/share/games/pioneer/icons/logo.svg
>  512x512
> [20:54:48]    Info: Loading [08%]: Lua::InitModules() took 1270.43ms
> [20:54:48]    Info: Loading [15%]: Gui::Init() started
> [20:54:48]    Info: Loading [15%]: Gui::Init() took 108.38ms
> [20:54:48]    Info: Loading [23%]: GalaxyGenerator::Init() started
> [20:54:48]    Info: Creating new galaxy generator 'legacy' version 1
> [20:54:48]    Info: Warning: 'mass' is 0.000000 for body 'Themisto'
> [20:54:48]    Info: Warning: 'mass' is 0.000000 for body 'Lucksmall'
> [20:54:48]    Info: Number of factions added: 103
> [20:54:48]    Info: StarSystemCache: misses: 0, slave hits: 0, master hits: 0
> [20:54:48]    Info: SectorCache: misses: 101, slave hits: 0, master hits: 2
> [20:54:48]    Info: Loading [23%]: GalaxyGenerator::Init() took 123.64ms
> [20:54:48]    Info: Loading [31%]: FaceParts::Init() started
> [20:54:49]    Info: Face Generation source images loaded.
> [20:54:49]    Info: Loading [31%]: FaceParts::Init() took 1270.44ms
> [20:54:49]    Info: Loading [38%]: new ModelCache started
> [20:54:49]    Info: Loading [38%]: new ModelCache took 0.00ms
> [20:54:49]    Info: Loading [46%]: Shields::Init started
> [20:54:49]    Info: Loading [46%]: Shields::Init took 121.77ms
> [20:54:49]    Info: Loading [54%]: BaseSphere::Init started
> [20:54:49]    Info: GenerateIndices: triangles count = 648, mid indexes = 
> 1728, hi edges = 54
> [20:54:50]    Info: Loading [54%]: BaseSphere::Init took 69.03ms
> [20:54:50]    Info: Loading [62%]: CityOnPlanet::Init started
> [20:54:50]    Info: Got 0 buildings of tag city_building
> [20:54:50]    Info: End of buildings.
> [20:54:50]    Info: Loading [62%]: CityOnPlanet::Init took 38.43ms
> [20:54:50]    Info: Loading [69%]: SpaceStation::Init started
> [20:54:50]    Info: Could not find model: ground_station
> [20:54:50]    Info: couldn't initialize station type 
> 'stations/ground_station.json' because the corresponding model 
> ('ground_station') could not be found.
> [20:54:50]   Fatal: Error while loading Space Station data (check 
> stdout/output.txt).
> ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
> $ guix describe
> Generation 37 May 21 2021 12:33:41    (current)
>   guix bd382fa
>     repository URL:
>     branch: master
>     commit: bd382fae71d899e243e81688bf5baed26171f2ea
> $ pioneer -version
> pioneer 19700101
> --------------------
> SDL Version (build) 2.0.12
> SDL Version (dynamic) 2.0.12
> SDL Versions match
> SDL_image Version (build): 2.0.5
> SDL_image Version (dynamic): 2.0.5
> SDL_image Versions match
> Assimp Version: 4.1.0
> FreeType Version: 2.10.4
> GLEW dynamic version: 2.0.0
> ---
> Luis Felipe López Acevedo

I have reproduced this.   If I am not mistaken, there is a patch on
pioneer's dev branch that fixes this:

(among others)

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