Sharlatan Hellseher <> skribis:

> I played with cl-jupyter:install but it heavily depends on Quicklisp
> but what basically does - generates simple JSON with CL implementation
> First I tried to do the same during build phase by evaluationg
> arbitrary Lisp but could not manged it to work.
> Then after checking the kernel.json I just simply formated it with
> right %lispt-type path and copied with the same evaluation as R
> Jupyter package, but I've got some error during coping into Jupyter
> directory:
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> phase `generate-kernelspec' succeeded after 0.0 seconds
> starting phase `install-kernelspec'
> command "jupyter" "kernelspec" "install" "--name" "cl-jupyter"
> "--prefix" 
> "/gnu/store/xjqxskiqjlzirlg478gnlp7x6w2jcz63-sbcl-common-lisp-jupyter-0.1.0-4.ba9f0e7"
> "/gnu/store/xjqxskiqjlzirlg478gnlp7x6w2jcz63-sbcl-common-lisp-jupyter-0.1.0-4.ba9f0e7/share/cl-jupyter/kernelspec"
> failed with status 127
> builder for 
> `/gnu/store/azl65q1bl2pv920fmgw6d8k0brsx6hdg-sbcl-common-lisp-jupyter-0.1.0-4.ba9f0e7.drv'
> failed with exit code 1
> build of 
> /gnu/store/azl65q1bl2pv920fmgw6d8k0brsx6hdg-sbcl-common-lisp-jupyter-0.1.0-4.ba9f0e7.drv
> failed
> [...]
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I think this error comes from the fact that the jupyter package is
missing as native input, therefore the 'jupyter ...' command can't work.

It lools like the 'install-kernelspec' phase just copies the kernel you
generated in "share/cl-jupyter/kernelspec/" to
"share/jupyter/kernels/cl-jupyter/". Wouldn't it be easier to generate
the kernel in the final directory directly? Then the
'install-kernelspec' phase would not be necessary.

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