Hi Leo,

Leo Prikler <leo.prik...@student.tugraz.at> writes:

> I'm currently in the process of verifying, that all Emacs packages
> build in the wip-emacs branch.  To that end, I'm running a manifest
> generated from all emacs-xyz exports, which will fail for some package,
> that I've broken, then rinse and repeat.
> However, there are some build failures, that exist not only in wip-
> emacs.
> In order not to generate too many bug numbers, I'm filing this as some
> sort of meta bug.  Fixes could likely be pushed directly to master, but
> if it's fine for everyone to wait a little, I'd send them through wip-
> emacs first.
> Regards, 
> Leo
> emacs-nodejs-repl has a non-deterministic error in its test suite. 
> Trying to complete "Error" sometimes yields nil for no apparent reason.
> emacs-org-generate fails with the following:
> starting phase `check'
> Loading /gnu/store/36ypaaqlmdqi3srzw892d3ppxm5hd6qi-emacs-mustache-
> 0.23/share/emacs/site-lisp/mustache-render.el (source)...
> Loading /gnu/store/36ypaaqlmdqi3srzw892d3ppxm5hd6qi-emacs-mustache-
> 0.23/share/emacs/site-lisp/mustache-lex.el (source)...
> Package cl is deprecated
> Loading /gnu/store/36ypaaqlmdqi3srzw892d3ppxm5hd6qi-emacs-mustache-
> 0.23/share/emacs/site-lisp/mustache-parse.el (source)...
> Eager macro-expansion failure: (wrong-type-argument sequencep :equal)
> Eager macro-expansion failure: (wrong-type-argument sequencep :equal)
> Wrong type argument: sequencep, :equal
> command "emacs" "--batch" "--quick" "--directory=." "--load=org-
> generate-tests.el" "--funcall=cort-test-run" failed with status 255
> emacs-picpocket fails with the following:
> 37 unexpected results:
>    FAILED  picpocket-add-tag-delete-file
>    FAILED  picpocket-copy-all
>    FAILED  picpocket-delete-from-beginning
>    FAILED  picpocket-delete-from-the-middle-and-end
>    FAILED  picpocket-delete-redundant-tagged-file
>    FAILED  picpocket-delete-unique-tagged-file
>    FAILED  picpocket-empty-undo-buffer-test
>    FAILED  picpocket-external-file-sha-change
>    FAILED  picpocket-file-list-dot-file
>    FAILED  picpocket-file-list-symlink-loop
>    FAILED  picpocket-files-in-list-test
>    FAILED  picpocket-hardlink-all
>    FAILED  picpocket-insert-after-current
>    FAILED  picpocket-insert-before-current
>    FAILED  picpocket-move-all
>    FAILED  picpocket-single-undelete-test
>    FAILED  picpocket-tag-to-all
>    FAILED  picpocket-test-compute-filter-index
>    FAILED  picpocket-test-compute-filter-match-count
>    FAILED  picpocket-test-jump
>    FAILED  picpocket-test-pic-by-index
>    FAILED  picpocket-tree-add-and-clear-tag
>    FAILED  picpocket-tree-add-tag-to-all
>    FAILED  picpocket-tree-copy-within-tree
>    FAILED  picpocket-tree-file-list
>    FAILED  picpocket-tree-files
>    FAILED  picpocket-tree-make-list-with-tags
>    FAILED  picpocket-tree-make-list-with-tags2
>    FAILED  picpocket-tree-move-outside-tree
>    FAILED  picpocket-tree-move-within-tree
>    FAILED  picpocket-undelete-all-test
>    FAILED  picpocket-undo-add-tag-test
>    FAILED  picpocket-undo-buffer-test
>    FAILED  picpocket-undo-copy-test
>    FAILED  picpocket-undo-move-test
>    FAILED  picpocket-undo-remove-tag-test
>    FAILED  picpocket-undo-rename-test
> command "emacs" "--batch" "-l" "picpocket-test.el" "-f" "ert-run-tests-
> batch-and-exit" failed with status 1
> builder for `/gnu/store/6217gnljvphffsllvn9d8s9sl284ms7w-emacs-
> picpocket-40.drv' failed with exit code 1

Pardon me for not checking myself, but I thought perhaps you had taken
care of these issues on the recently merged wip-emacs branch?

If so, let's close it!

Thank you,


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