Hi There,

The current commands used to make sure everything updated are not friendly to type nor to memorize, Current commands:(i dunno if i missed more)

guix pull
guix upgrade
sudo guix reconfigure /etc/config.scm

There is no relation can be drawn from using these commands:

- pull: Is actually the opposite of push which is a git command and it make sense in git atmosphere/usage.

- upgrade: This is the only good one as this is very common term used within distros or actually most of the operating systems generally.

- reconfigure /etc/config.scm: hmm...

There are many ways we can improve this by using different better terms which can be easily memorized and even linked e.g: (These are just examples, If there are any better terms you can come with sure why not)

- pull -> update or refresh
- upgrade -> can be kept or package-upgrade
- reconfigure /etc/config.scm -> dist-upgrade or distro-upgrade or system-upgrade


OR There is another approach some distros taking which is using shortcuts to only letters e.g

pull -> p or -p
upgrade -> u or -u
reconfigure -> re or -re

as a one world for memory "pure" (any other letters can be used as well)


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