Hi Mark,

Mark H Weaver <m...@netris.org> skribis:

> From 6eec36e66d20d82fe02c6de793422875477b90d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
> From: Mark H Weaver <m...@netris.org>
> Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2021 18:36:23 -0400
> Subject: [PATCH] DRAFT: grafts: Support rewriting UTF-16 and UTF-32 store
>  references.
> * guix/build/graft.scm (replace-store-references): Add support for
> finding and rewriting UTF-16 and UTF-32 store references.
> * tests/grafts.scm: Add tests.

Please add a “Fixes” line in the commit log.

I’m not reviewing the code in depth and I trust your judgment.

The risks of bugs I can think of are: missed ASCII references (a
regression, whereby some ASCII references would not get rewritten), and
unrelated UTF-{16,32}-base32-looking references getting rewritten.

I guess the latter is very unlikely because only sequences found in the
replacement table may be rewritten, right?

The former should be caught by ‘tests/grafts.scm’ but we could also
check the closure of real-world systems, for instance, to make sure it
doesn’t refer to ungrafted things.

Do you know how this affects performance?

Some superficial comments:

> +(define (possible-utf16-hash? buffer i w)
> +  (and (<= (* 2 hash-length) (- i w))
> +       (let loop ((j (+ 1 (- i (* 2 hash-length)))))
> +         (or (>= j i)
> +             (and (zero? (bytevector-u8-ref buffer j))
> +                  (loop (+ j 2)))))))
> +
> +(define (possible-utf32-hash? buffer i w)
> +  (and (<= (* 4 hash-length) (- i w))
> +       (let loop ((j (+ 1 (- i (* 4 hash-length)))))
> +         (or (>= j i)
> +             (and (zero? (bytevector-u8-ref buffer j))
> +                  (zero? (bytevector-u8-ref buffer (+ j 1)))
> +                  (zero? (bytevector-u8-ref buffer (+ j 2)))
> +                  (loop (+ j 4)))))))
> +
> +(define (insert-nuls char-size bv)

Perhaps add short docstrings for clarity.

> +(for-each
> + (lambda (char-size1)
> +   (for-each
> +    (lambda (char-size2)
> +      (for-each
> +       (lambda (gap)
> +        (for-each
> +         (lambda (offset)
> +           (test-equal (format #f "replace-store-references, char-sizes ~a 
> ~a, gap ~s, offset ~a"
> +                               char-size1 char-size2 gap offset)
> +             (string-append (make-string offset #\=)
> +                            (nul-expand (string-append "/gnu/store/"
> +                                                       (make-string 32 #\6)
> +                                                       "-BlahBlaH")
> +                                        char-size1)
> +                            gap
> +                            (nul-expand (string-append "/gnu/store/"
> +                                                       (make-string 32 #\8)
> +                                                       "-SoMeTHiNG")
> +                                        char-size2)
> +                            (list->string (map integer->char (iota 77 33))))
> +
> +             ;; Create input data where the right-hand-size of the dash 
> ("-something"
> +             ;; here) goes beyond the end of the internal buffer of
> +             ;; 'replace-store-references'.
> +             (let* ((content     (string-append (make-string offset #\=)
> +                                                (nul-expand (string-append 
> "/gnu/store/"
> +                                                                           
> (make-string 32 #\5)
> +                                                                           
> "-blahblah")
> +                                                            char-size1)
> +                                                gap
> +                                                (nul-expand (string-append 
> "/gnu/store/"
> +                                                                           
> (make-string 32 #\7)
> +                                                                           
> "-something")
> +                                                            char-size2)
> +                                                (list->string
> +                                                 (map integer->char (iota 77 
> 33)))))
> +                    (replacement (alist->vhash
> +                                  `((,(make-string 32 #\5)
> +                                     . ,(string->utf8 (string-append
> +                                                       (make-string 32 #\6)
> +                                                       "-BlahBlaH")))
> +                                    (,(make-string 32 #\7)
> +                                     . ,(string->utf8 (string-append
> +                                                       (make-string 32 #\8)
> +                                                       "-SoMeTHiNG")))))))
> +               (call-with-output-string
> +                 (lambda (output)
> +                   ((@@ (guix build graft) replace-store-references)
> +                    (open-input-string content) output
> +                    replacement
> +                    "/gnu/store"))))))
> +         ;; offsets to test
> +         (map (lambda (i) (- buffer-size (* 40 char-size1) i))
> +              (iota 30))))
> +       ;; gaps
> +       '("" "-" " " "a")))
> +    ;; char-size2 values to test
> +    '(1 2)))
> + ;; char-size1 values to test
> + '(1 2 4))

For clarity, perhaps you can define a top-level procedure for the test
and call it from ‘for-each’.

Modulo these very minor issues, it looks like it’s ready to go!

Thank you,

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