divoplade writes:

> Le lundi 05 avril 2021 à 19:45 +0100, Pierre Langlois a écrit :
>> Do you know at which guix commit this happened?  I'm wondering which
>> version of libvirt triggered this.  AFAICT, right now, if you create
>> a
>> fresh VM using gnome-boxes, it initializes the xml config with the
>> qemu
>> in /run/current-system/profile, which looks like the right thing to
>> do.
> I think my system did not auto-upgrade for some time because of a bug
> in org-html-export-to-html that broke one of my packages (the bug is,
> there’s an explicit comment to indicate a license for a script and that
> comment is not XHTML). I don’t know which commit did that, but the
> faulty system was between that commit and 24h before. Or there was
> another earlier problem, and I can’t help, sorry.
> You’re right, now that I upgraded it’s fixed.

Cool :-), closing the bug then!


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