Hi Ludo,

> What could have been nice is if there’s a way to mark specific strings
> as being ASCII, or if there’s a “byte vector” data type compatible with
> strings, for instance.

It does and it could work, but according to upstream it's just simpler
to dump deps in a separate file.

>   1. Some packages like ‘nyxt’ don’t use it, so we’d have to duplicate
>      the phase there.

In the case of Nyxt, the reason it does not use it is because the
asdf-build-system/sbcl binary production has some drawbacks.  I could
work on overhauling the build system to fix the uncanny behaviour, then
Nyxt would use it.

>   2. It may be coarse-grain compared to scanning binaries for references
>      (for example, we might retain references to build-only tools, such
>      as libraries used only for tests).

The build system could easily leave out Lisp native-inputs, no?


Pierre Neidhardt

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