
I found an issue with blender. Our packaged version it's not able to run the
Voxel Remesher, I think because OpenVBD[^1] is not included in our package.

Every time I use the Voxel Remesh tool it says:
"Voxel remesher failed to create mesh"

But the Quadriflow remesher works fine.

I searched a little bit in the code and I found the following:

Here is where the error message appears (object_remesh.c:147):

``` c
  new_mesh = BKE_mesh_remesh_voxel_to_mesh_nomain(
      mesh, mesh->remesh_voxel_size, mesh->remesh_voxel_adaptivity, isovalue);

  if (!new_mesh) {
    BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Voxel remesher failed to create mesh");

So it means the `new_mesh` is not created. Checking the definition of the
`BKE_mesh_remesh_voxel_to_mesh_nomain` function we get this

``` c
Mesh *BKE_mesh_remesh_voxel_to_mesh_nomain(Mesh *mesh,
                                           float voxel_size,
                                           float adaptivity,
                                           float isovalue)
  Mesh *new_mesh = NULL;
  struct OpenVDBLevelSet *level_set;
  struct OpenVDBTransform *xform = OpenVDBTransform_create();
  OpenVDBTransform_create_linear_transform(xform, (double)voxel_size);
  level_set = BKE_mesh_remesh_voxel_ovdb_mesh_to_level_set_create(mesh, xform);
  new_mesh = BKE_mesh_remesh_voxel_ovdb_volume_to_mesh_nomain(
      level_set, (double)isovalue, (double)adaptivity, false);
  UNUSED_VARS(mesh, voxel_size, adaptivity, isovalue);
  return new_mesh;

I also checked blender package and I doesn't look like it includes OpenVDB, so
this makes sense.

As this is a powerful tool and enables much better workflows for sculpting I
think we should add it.

I'll try to add it myself, if you are ok with that.



[^1]: https://www.openvdb.org/

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