Pierre Langlois writes:

> Hi!
> Marinus Savoritias writes:
>> I update Guix yesterday and org-mode doesn't load anymore.
>> The debug trace is this:
>> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Invalid version syntax: ‘’ (must start
>> with a number)")
>>   signal(error ("Invalid version syntax: ‘’ (must start with a number)"))
>>   error("Invalid version syntax: `%s' (must start with a number)" "")
>>   version-to-list("")
>>   version<("" "9.0")
>>   #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x5c3b49>)()
>>   funcall(#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x5c3b49>))
>>   (lambda nil (funcall '#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x5c3b49>)))()
>> eval-after-load-helper("/home/marinus/.guix-profile/share/emacs/site-lisp/org.elc")
>>   run-hook-with-args(eval-after-load-helper
>> "/home/marinus/.guix-profile/share/emacs/site-lisp/org.elc")
>> do-after-load-evaluation("/home/marinus/.guix-profile/share/emacs/site-lisp/org.elc")
>>   require(org)
>> byte-code("\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\210\300\306!\210\307\310\311\312\313\314%\210\315\316\317\320\313\310\321\322&\7\210\315\323\324\325\313\310\321..."
>> [require elfeed org dash s cl-lib xml custom-declare-group elfeed-org 
>> nil "Configure the Elfeed RSS reader with an Orgmode fi..." :group comm
>> custom-declare-variable rmh-elfeed-org-tree-id "elfeed" "The tag or ID 
>> property on the trees containing the..." :type string 
>> rmh-elfeed-org-ignore-tag
>> "ignore" "The tag on the feed trees that will be ignored."
>> rmh-elfeed-org-auto-ignore-invalid-feeds "Tag feeds to ignore them when a 
>> feed
>> could not loa..." bool rmh-elfeed-org-files (list "~/.emacs.d/elfeed.org") 
>> "The
>> files where we look to find trees with the `rm..." (repeat (file :tag 
>> "org-mode
>> file"))] 8)
>>   require(elfeed-org)
>>   eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*> nil "/home/marinus/.emacs" nil t)  ; Reading 
>> at
>> buffer position 39
>>   load-with-code-conversion("/home/marinus/.emacs" "/home/marinus/.emacs" t 
>> t)
>>   load("~/.emacs" noerror nomessage)
>>   startup--load-user-init-file(#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x5c3f71>)
>> #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x5c3f85>) t)
>>   command-line()
>>   normal-top-level()
>> Everytime I try to open a org file I get the same error. I noticed that 
>> after I
>> removed the elfeed-org requirement to see if that was the problem.
>> Emacs commit is this:   
>> /gnu/store/lhw3zwhzra0w5l8a4jw8fvm58i75xyl8-emacs-27.1
>> Guix System config is this:
>> Generation 15   Dec 26 2020 15:25:17    (current)
>>   guix 4969b51
>>     repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
>>     branch: master
>>     commit: 4969b51d175497bfcc354c91803e9d70542b7113
>> My .emacs file has nothing besides this:
>> ;;Elfeed config
>> (require 'elfeed-org)
>> (setq rmh-elfeed-org-files (list "~/.emacs.d/elfeed.org"))
> I also hit this issue yesterday :-/. To fix it, I found you could make
> sure to have (require 'org) *before* loading other packages that
> depended on org. Would that work for you? I'm using use-package, so the
> particular fix for me was to add ":after org" on every package
> declaration that needed to use org.
> There's still an issue upstream I think, probably due to a mis-match
> between the org that's shipped in emacs and the newer one in guix?

Actually, it started failing again just after I sent this message... It
seems reordering require didn't actually fix anything, sorry!

Looking into it a little bit more, it seems there was an issue with the
version reporting, if you try and evaluate (org-version), it returns an
empty string, then causing the original backtrace.

There seems to be an issue when building the package, I see the result
of (org-version) should be defined at build-time: 

But we don't do it properly:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
$ cat $(guix build emacs-org)/share/emacs/site-lisp/org-version.el
;;; org-version.el --- autogenerated file, do not edit
;;; Code:
(defun org-release ()
  "The release version of Org.
Inserted by installing Org mode or when a release is made."
   (let ((org-release ""))
(defun org-git-version ()
  "The Git version of Org mode.
Inserted by installing Org or when a release is made."
   (let ((org-git-version ""))

(provide 'org-version)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I'll see if I can spot anything going wrong during the build process.


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