Alt+arrow might work, unless you're already on a tty on qubes? Depending on the VM techno qubes uses, there might also be a way to switch tty within the VM by ussing some control sequence.
Le 22 décembre 2020 20:18:57 GMT-05:00, bo0od <> a écrit : >You cant switch to another tty in VM of qubes because trying it will >switch you to tty of the Qubes itself not the VM within Qubes. > >Julien Lepiller: >> Before starting the installation, you should be able to switch to >another tty and configure network from there. Then continue >installation from tty1. Does it solve your issues? >> >> Le 21 décembre 2020 21:56:03 GMT-05:00, bo0od <> a >écrit : >>> No, after adding hostname it check for connectivity and after that >it >>> shows red screen with message "The selected network does not provide >>> access to the internet, please try again." and you cant pass that >>> message/connectivity check. >>> >>> >>> >>> zimoun: >>>> Hi, >>>> >>>> Sorry for the long delay. >>>> >>>> >>>> On Sun, 11 Aug 2019 at 06:31, bo0od <> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Im trying to install Guix over Qubes and to do so it needs >manually >>>>> adding of IP,DNS,Gateway (because its installed over xen >>> virtualization) >>>>> >>>>> But im always facing the issue of not connection failed and reback >>> to >>>>> the older step and then again and again with no success to bypass >>> this >>>>> step. >>>> >>>> I think this is fixed in the installer at least v1.2. Could you >>>> confirm? >>>> >>>> >>>> All the best, >>>> simon >>>> >>