Hello Guixters,

I am trying to deploy a system on DigitalOcean droplet using `guix
deploy`. But I am facing the following issue :

   $ guix deploy ynm-machine-declaration.scm 
   La (1) machine suivante sera déployée :

   guix deploy: déploiement vers ynm...
   ;;; [2020/12/02 00:15:48.683027, 0] read_from_channel_port: [GSSH
   ERROR] Error reading from the channel: #<unknown channel (freed)

Then I decided to Ctrl-C the process.

Sometimes I did ssh to the target to see if I can see proof that things
were doing ok (for example if the infect script is created in the tmp
directory...). And I noticed I had to delete the ssh key of the target
on my laptop to ssh again...

   ssh-keygen -f "/home/jeko/.ssh/known_hosts" -R ""

Then, on the target machine guix seems to be installed. I am able to
run `guix pull`. But the packages I wanted to be globally installed
were missing.

On the laptop I deployed from:

   $ guix --version
   guix (GNU Guix) d848b6caab973f6191143360ca53787a19c5e6e4
   Copyright © 2020 les auteurs de Guix
   Licence GPLv3+ : GNU GPL version 3 ou ultérieure <
   Ceci est un logiciel libre : vous êtes libre de le modifier et de le
   Il n'y a AUCUNE GARANTIE, dans les limites permises par la loi.

On the droplet after guix pull:

   # guix --version
   guix (GNU Guix) 04b83678653fda3c66e600e88f54f5108290ec1c
   Copyright (C) 2020 the Guix authors
   License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <
   This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
   There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

I have no clue how to provide more info (logs, traces, …) but I would
be very happy to do so if anyone can lead me a bit on that.


(add-to-load-path (getcwd))

(use-modules (gnu)

;; (machine
;;  (operating-system %ynm-system-decalaration)
;;  (environment managed-host-environment-type)
;;  (configuration (machine-ssh-configuration
;;                  (host-name "yournextmeal.tech")
;; 		 (host-key "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGXArluyIh9+8Nooz9a7LoQV8ree1jpFLMvp7wPsgiMO r...@yournextmeal.tech")
;; 		 (system "x86_64-linux")
;;                  (user "root")
;;                  (identity "/home/jeko/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub")
;;                  (port 2222))))
  (operating-system %ynm-system-decalaration)
  (environment digital-ocean-environment-type)
  (configuration (digital-ocean-configuration
                  (region "fra1")
                  (size "s-1vcpu-1gb")
		  (ssh-key "/home/jeko/.ssh/id_rsa")
		  (tags (list "guix" "ynm"))
                  (enable-ipv6? #f)))))
(define-module (ynm-system-decalaration))

(use-modules (gnu)
	     (gnu services))

(use-service-modules ssh networking)
(use-package-modules screen ssh certs version-control)

(define-public %ynm-system-decalaration
   (host-name "ynm")
   (timezone "Europe/Paris")
   (locale "fr_FR.utf8")
   (packages (cons* screen git nss-certs %base-packages))
   (bootloader (bootloader-configuration
		(bootloader grub-bootloader)
		(target "/dev/vda")))
   (file-systems (cons (file-system
			(mount-point "/")
			(device "/dev/vda1")
			(type "ext4"))
   (initrd-modules (append (list "virtio_scsi")
      (service dhcp-client-service-type)
      (service openssh-service-type
		(openssh openssh-sans-x)
		(permit-root-login 'without-password)
		 `(("root" ,(local-file "/home/jeko/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"))))
		(port-number 2222))))
     (modify-services %base-services
		      (guix-service-type ynm-config =>
					 (guix-configuration (inherit ynm-config)
							       (list (local-file "/etc/guix/signing-key.pub"))


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