
zimoun <zimon.touto...@gmail.com> skribis:

>> So it would seem we cannot simply used the pre-built database from
>> ‘shared-mime-info’ and merge it with that of the other packages, at
>> least not without changing ‘update-mime-database’ or re-implementing
>> parts of it on our side.
> ’shared-mime-info’ is simply a package, right?  So what does it means:
> «Find a way to avoid reprocessing 'shared-mime-info'» in:
>                  ;; the database.  TODO: Find a way to avoid reprocessing
>                  ;; 'shared-mime-info', which is the most expensive one.
> [...]
>                  (invoke #+(file-append shared-mime-info
>                                         "/bin/update-mime-database")
>                          destdir)))))))

‘shared-mime-info’ contains ‘share/mime/freedesktop.org.xml’, which is
by far where ‘update-mime-database’ spends most of its time.

But it’s wasteful because ‘shared-mime-info’ already contains the result
of running ‘update-mime-database’ on itself.



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