On 8/28/2020 1:07 PM, divoplade wrote:
Hello all,
Right now emacs-ess is broken so I cannot upgrade to emacs 27. The
failing test is "test-ess-roxy-literate".
Thank you anyway, I cannot wait to have emacs 27!
I think, instead of disabling the test or trying to make it work with
emacs 27, I'd like to update emacs-ess to a more recent version. Right
now it's using the latest tagged release (18.10.2), which was from 2018,
but there's been active development on the github repo since then. I can
take the latest commit and give it a version number based on the commit
time, similar to how it's done on melpa (20200903.1516). I'll try making
a patch to update it to that version.