Jonathan Brielmaier <> skribis:

> On 14.08.20 20:27, Leo Famulari wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 02:26:03PM +0200, Jonathan Brielmaier wrote:
>>> When running guix lint with the cve checker I get the following error:
>>> ```
>>> guix lint icecat --checkers=cve
>>> fetching CVE database for 2020...view1 [cve]...
>> [...]
>>> In procedure mkdir: Permission denied
>>> ```
>> Do you know which directory that is? You can run the comand with `strace
>> -f` to check.
> Ah thanks for that hint!
> [...]
> [pid 20797] mkdir("/home/jonathan/.cache/guix", 0777) = -1 EEXIST (Die
> Datei existiert bereits)
> [pid 20797] mkdir("/home/jonathan/.cache/guix/http", 0777) = -1 EACCES
> (Keine Berechtigung)
> [pid 20797] write(2, "Backtrace:\n", 11Backtrace:
> ) = 11
> [...]
> ll /home/jonathan/.cache/guix
> insgesamt 8
> drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 17. Jun 00:00 authentication/
> drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096  7. Jun 11:53 checkouts/
> So i wonder now why it's owned by root and not by jonathan:users like
> the rest (apart from guile) in ~/.cache/

Perhaps you previously ran “sudo guix lint -c cve” or something?

Commit 4c5edee1ef2aff2b8f3782ccb03723a6428bf600 leads to a clearer error
message pointing at the faulty directory permissions.

I think we’re done?


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