Hello Nathan,

The snippet you've supplied
> (define %my-services
>   ;; My very own list of services.
>   (modify-services %desktop-services
>     (pulseaudio-service-type config =>
>                        (pulseaudio-configuration
>                         (inherit config)
>                         (script-file
> "/home/nathan/.config/pulse/default.pa")))))
can not possibly work.  The reason for that, is that "file" does not
refer to an actual file, but to a file-like object as returned by Guix
G-Expressions.  You probably want to use `mixed-text-file' or something
similar to write your default.pa inside Guix itself.  Alternatively,
you can unset PULSE_CONFIG and PULSE_CLIENTCONFIG in your .profile (or
equivalent for other shells) and Pulseaudio should load your local

Regards, Leo

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