I made a mistaken in the original post:  the cl-* (source) packages do
propagate their input.  So source packages _do_ work as expected.

What we'd like to do improve here is _not_ propagate the inputs and
instead refer directly to them in the store.

I tried generating and .asd which would do the following

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(asdf:load-asd ORIGINAL-ASD)

(push INPUT-PATH-TO-SOURCE asdf:*central-registry*)
; more push of all inputs here.
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

The problem is that we can't name the .asd like the original or ASDF
will complain about circular dependencies.

The only way I can think about is to add the "push" lines to the
original .asd itself (at the end should be fine).  Not sure how I feel
about modifying the original .asd, seems brittle.

There may be a better way.

Pierre Neidhardt

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