Hello, I've just installed GuixSD on a virtual machine (by Virtual Box on Windows 10), and got some strange errors with guix upgrade.
The first commands I use after the first login (as root) is : `guix pull`, which pulls many packages, and `guix upgrade` which does nothing. It says to me that : "guix upgrade: warning: Consider running `guix pull` followed by 'guix package -u' to get up-to-date packages and security updates" But I've just guix-pulled. During the installation, I've used all the by default choices, except when I say I want the SSH. Here the result of guix system describe : https://paste.debian.net/1144431/ Here the result of tree in the guix folder : https://paste.debian.net/1144432/ Thanks for all your work, Guix powerness really hypes me. Louis