I'm a little bit unstuck now. I found a bubblwrap issue [0], which I
believe is the one that we're running into.
[0] https://github.com/containers/bubblewrap/issues/195 "Errors when
--bind used with a symlinked path"
With insight gained there, I've determined that the following simplified
bwrap invocation succeeds:
$ bwrap --ro-bind-try /etc/pulse/client.conf /etc/pulse/client.conf
--ro-bind /gnu /gnu --ro-bind /run/current-system /run/current-system --
while the following invocation fails:
$ bwrap --ro-bind /etc /etc --ro-bind-try /etc/pulse/client.conf
/etc/pulse/client.conf --ro-bind /gnu /gnu --ro-bind /run/current-system
/run/current-system -- /run/current-system/profile/bin/bash
bwrap: Can't create file at /etc/pulse/client.conf: No such file or
The difference between the working and non-working invocations in that in
the non-working invocation, /etc is already mounted withing the new
namespace, which includes symlinks at /etc/pulse and
/etc/pulse/client.conf, and the later mount of the /etc/pulse/client.conf
symlink causese the problem.
Now to figure out what the solution is, and if it is best fixed in
webkitgtk or bubblewrap :)
Ideas welcome!