Hi! I have a guix system and my user account has no package installed yet. After installing the first package – git-minimal in my case – this message is printed and I get this error when trying to use the new command:
building profile with 1 package... Hinweis: Vielleicht möchten Sie die nötigen Umgebungsvariablen festlegen, indem Sie dies ausführen: GUIX_PROFILE="/home/stefan/.guix-profile" . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile" Sie können sie auch mit `guix package --search-paths -p "/home/stefan/.guix-profile"' nachlesen. stefan@guix ~$ git show -bash: git: Kommando nicht gefunden. The problem is that without a single package installed there is no user profile-link present: stefan@guix ~$ echo $PATH /run/setuid-programs:/home/stefan/.config/guix/current/bin:/run/current-system/profile/bin:/run/current-system/profile/sbin This is of course easily solved by either following the hint or a logout and login: stefan@guix ~$ exit Abgemeldet Connection to raspberry closed. Computer:~ stefan$ ssh stefan@raspberry Last login: Sun Apr 26 13:59:31 2020 stefan@guix ~$ echo $PATH /run/setuid-programs:/home/stefan/.config/guix/current/bin:/home/stefan/.guix-profile/bin:/run/current-system/profile/bin:/run/current-system/profile/sbin However, this gives a bad first impression to users. Moreover users may think that a logout/login cycle or manually following the hint could be necessary after each package installation. They may get annoyed by this. Bye Stefan