Tim Gesthuizen <tim.gesthui...@yahoo.de> writes:
> The section `Building Emacs with the '--with-xwidgets' option now
> requires WebKit2.` from the Emacs 26.2 news indicates that we probably
> just need to update to WebKit2 to fix the problem.

this seems to be the case:

$ guix environment -C bash --ad-hoc emacs-xwidget
[env]$ ldd $(readlink -f $(type -p emacs)) |grep webkit
        libwebkit2gtk-4.0.so.37 => 
        libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18 => 

$ guix environment -C bash --ad-hoc emacs
[env]$ ldd $(readlink -f $(type -p emacs)) |grep webkit
  => nothing

so, I think this can be closed.

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