Looking at that patch code, I'm trying an experiment where I set the
environment variable mentioned:
christopher@eowyn ~$ WEBKIT_USE_SINGLE_WEB_PROCESS="0" evolution 
This should give the same effect as the code would, unless I'm setting
the variable the wrong way. I haven't had the problem again yet, but
I've only tried it for about 20 minutes.
I'm curious also if that code would work, since it makes the assumption
the program name is "evolution", whereas ".evolution-real" is the name
of the process in Guix as listed by "ps -e".

-----Original Message-----From: Christopher Howard <
christop...@alaskasi.com>To: Marius Bakke <mba...@fastmail.com>, 
39...@debbugs.gnu.orgSubject: Re: bug#39584: evolution: involid page id
error when composing emailsDate: Fri, 14 Feb 2020 12:12:27 -0900
I'm eager to give the patch a try. I've never learned yet how to add
add a source patch to a package definition, so it might take me some
time to get to it if I had no help. Is there an ETA on Gnome 3.34?
Christopher Howard
Enterprise Solutions Manager
Alaska Satellite Internet
PO Box 70, Ester, AK 99725
3239 La Ree Way, Fairbanks, AK 99709
-----Original Message-----From: Marius Bakke <mba...@fastmail.com>To:
Christopher Howard <christop...@alaskasi.com>, 
39...@debbugs.gnu.orgSubject: Re: bug#39584: evolution: involid page id
error when composing emailsDate: Fri, 14 Feb 2020 17:07:09 +0100
Christopher Howard <christop...@alaskasi.com> writes:
> Hi, I use evolution heavily, current 3.32.4 from Guix. I updated
> myguix user packages and guix system about a week ago. When
> composingemails, I occasionally see an error similar to this appear
> in a boxabove the message composition area:
> gdbus.error:org.freedesktop.dbus.error.invalidargs: invalid page
> id:165
> While the error is there, I cannot save the email to drafts or send
> it.To resolve, I must copy the email contents to another program,
> thenrestart evolution to create the email again. It seems to be
> veryrandom, but I'd guess it happens once about every five to ten
> emails Isend.

Searching the web for the error message leads to these bug reports:

Apparently Evolution does not work properly with WebKitGTK
2.26.Backporting all the upstream changes looks cumbersome, but I
suppose wecould do something like this until we have GNOME 3.34:

Thoughts?  Are you able to give it a try?

Christopher Howard
Enterprise Solutions Manager
Alaska Satellite Internet
PO Box 70, Ester, AK 99725
3239 La Ree Way, Fairbanks, AK 99709

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