
zimoun <zimon.touto...@gmail.com> skribis:

> I even propose that Guix bumps the minor version each time
> core-updates or staging is merged. :-)
> Zero cost for us to bump the minor version. And the plus are:
>  - a bit easier to navigate; because there more tags in the repo ;-)
>  - non rolling release users expect version numbering; other said
> current Debian or Ubuntu users are "afraid" to "pull" and be in
> "unstable", so they jump only from version to version.
> We could add a policy about the bumping the minor version.
> What do you think?

I guess semver doesn’t apply to Guix taken as a whole, so version
numbers should be chosen to suggest how “different” the new release is.
That’s pretty subjective, though.


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