Bengt Richter writes:

> I tried
>     guix build bootstrap-tarballs

Yes, sadly that's not supported on current master.  It should work on
core-updates.  So I tried that and found it fails in similar ways.

> ERROR: In procedure lstat:
> In procedure lstat: No such file or directory: 
> "/gnu/store/xjbkz6645qccnvfkmbc4wsvh7lffg2jn-mes-minimal-0.20/share/mes/scaffold"
> builder for 
> `/gnu/store/w8y538fhxr9d9sm6653jq5xsl89q0aqk-mes-minimal-0.20.drv' failed 
> with exit code 1
> build of /gnu/store/w8y538fhxr9d9sm6653jq5xsl89q0aqk-mes-minimal-0.20.drv 
> failed

Ah, that's not good.  The new Reduced Binary Seed bootstrap must use Mes
0.19.  Building the new bootstrap binaries is -- apparently -- only
works on tag bootstrap-20190815.

> HTH in some way.

Yes, thank you; I'm looking into it.  Mes should be fixed on 0.19,
MesCC-Tools schould be fixed on 0.5.2 and I just found that building
bootstrap-bash also breaks due to an update to bash-5.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> | GNU LilyPond
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