Robert Vollmert <> skribis:

> I tried to use a function in a gexp along the lines of
> (define* (f x) …)
> #~(begin
>      (#$f x)
>      …)
> This resulted in the following error:
> ERROR: In procedure primitive-load:
> In procedure scm_lreadr: 
> /gnu/store/wcw0fii855axkiqfz05283rwl7nlrb3i-puzzledb-blogs-job-builder:1:254: 
> Unknown # object: #\<
> where the referenced builder file contains
> … (let ((backend (#<procedure read-secret (file)> "tools.token"))) …
> It seems to me that whatever code writes the builder file should already 
> complain at the point
> where it substitutes #<procedure read-secret (file)> — is that possible?

I think ‘gexp->sexp’ should simply error out whenever an object that
lacks a read syntax (like a procedure) is inserted in a gexp.


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