Hi Florian,

"pelzflorian (Florian Pelz)" <pelzflor...@pelzflorian.de> skribis:

>> Could you also:
>>   1. Let the installation image boot;
>>   2. Confirm with ‘herd status wpa-supplicant’ that the ‘wpa-supplicant’
>>      service is marked as stopped (failed to start);
> $ herd status wpa-supplicant
> Status of wpa-supplicant:
>   It is stopped.
>   It is enabled.
>   Provides (wpa-supplicant).
>   Requires (user-processes dbus-system loopback syslogd).
>   Conflicts with ().
>   Will be respawned.
>>   3. Show the contents /var/run/wpa_supplicant.pid, and check whether
>>      they correspond to the PID of a running ‘wpa_supplicant’ process.
> There is no such file.

At this point, could you also check:

  3b. The output of “pgrep -fa wpa_supplicant”.

The PID file was probably removed by the second attempt to start the
‘wpa-supplicant’ service.

Could you also try running (as root):

  while herd restart wpa-supplicant; do : ; done

to see the frequency at which the service fails to start?



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