Hello! I've made `guix pull && guix package -u` for root and usual user, also `guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm` and now thunar does not have icons: https://ibb.co/D4357m5 <https://ibb.co/D4357m5>
Guix + Xfce + Slim. What to do? config: (services (cons* ;;(service postgresql-service-type) (service xfce-desktop-service-type) (modify-services ;;(remove (lambda (service) ;; (eq? (service-kind service) ;; wpa-supplicant-service-type)) ;; (remove (lambda (service) ;; (eq? (service-kind service) ;; static-networking-service-type)) (remove (lambda (service) (eq? (service-kind service) ntp-service-type)) (remove (lambda (service) (eq? (service-kind service) avahi-service-type)) (modify-services %desktop-services (slim-service-type config => (slim-configuration (xorg-configuration (xorg-configuration (extra-config '("Section \"InputClass\" Identifier \"touchpad\" Driver \"libinput\" MatchIsTouchpad \"on\" Option \"Tapping\" \"on\" EndSection") ))))) ) ;end of modify-services 2nd ) ;end of remove avahi ) ;end of remove2 ntp ;;) ;end of remove3 networking ;) ;end of remove4 wpa-supplicant (elogind-service-type c => (elogind-configuration (handle-lid-switch 'ignore))) );;end of modify-services 1st desktop-services ));;end of services