I've started on implementing a replacement test generator, see attachment. Usage is exactly the same as the original generate.py.
However, it hangs somewhere and I can't find how to step through a guile program, even in emacs. Help?
;; -*- geiser-scheme-implementation: guile -*- ;; Implementation: Danny Milosavljevic <dan...@scratchpost.org> ;; Based on: Implementation in Python by Vicent Marti. ;; License: ISC, like the original generate.py in clar. (use-modules (ice-9 ftw)) (use-modules (ice-9 regex)) (use-modules (ice-9 getopt-long)) (use-modules (ice-9 rdelim)) (use-modules (ice-9 match)) (use-modules (ice-9 textual-ports)) (use-modules (srfi srfi-1)) (define (render-callback cb) (if (> (length cb) 0) (string-append " { \"" (assoc-ref cb "short-name") "\", &" (assoc-ref cb "symbol") " }") " { NULL, NULL }")) (define (replace needle replacement haystack) "Replace all occurences of NEEDLE in HAYSTACK by REPLACEMENT. NEEDLE is a regular expression." (regexp-substitute/global #f needle haystack 'pre replacement 'post)) (define (skip-comments text) (replace (string-append "//.*?$|" "/[*].*?[*]/|" "'([.]|[^'])*'|" "\"([.]|[^\"])*") "" text)) (define (maybe-only items) (match items ((a) a) (_ #f))) (define (Module name path excludes) (let* ((clean-name (replace "_" "::" name)) (enabled (not (any (lambda (exclude) (string-prefix? exclude clean-name)) excludes)))) (define (parse contents) (define (cons-match match prev) (cons `(("declaration" ,(match:substring match 1)) ("symbol" ,(match:substring match 2)) ("short-name" ,(match:substring match 3))) prev)) (let* ((contents (skip-comments contents)) (entries (fold-matches (string-append "^(void\\s+(test_" name "__(\\w+))\\s*\(\\s*void\\s*\\))\\s*\\{") contents '() cons-match)) (callbacks (filter (lambda (entry) (match (assoc-ref entry "short-name") (("initialize" value) #f) (("cleanup" value) #f) (a #t))) entries))) (if (> (length callbacks) 0) '(("name" name) ("enabled" (if enabled "1" "0")) ("clean-name" clean-name) ("initialize" (maybe-only (filter-map (lambda (entry) (match (assoc-ref entry "short-name") (("initialize" value) value) ((_ value) #f))) entries))) ("cleanup" (maybe-only (filter-map (lambda (entry) (match (assoc-ref entry "short-name") (("cleanup" value) value) ((_ value) #f))) entries))) ("callbacks" callbacks)) #f))) (define (refresh path) (and (file-exists? path) (parse (get-string-all path)))) (refresh path))) (define (generate-TestSuite path output excludes) (define (load) (define enter? (const #t)) (define (leaf file stat result) (let* ((module-root (string-drop file (string-length path))) (module-root (filter-map (match-lambda ("" #f) (a a)) (string-split module-root #\/)))) (define (make-module path) (let* ((name (string-join (append module-root (list (string-drop-right (basename path) (string-length ".c")))) "_")) (name (replace "-" "_" name))) (Module name path excludes))) (write file) (write module-root) (newline) (if (string-suffix? ".c" file) (let ((module (make-module file))) (if module (cons module result) result)) result))) (define (down dir stat result) result) (define (up file state result) result) (define skip (const #f)) (define error (const #f)) ; FIXME (write "fold") (newline) (file-system-fold enter? leaf down up skip error '() path)) (define (CallbacksTemplate module) (string-append "static const struct clar_func _clar_cb_" module-name "[] = {\n" (string-join (map render-callback (assoc-ref module "callbacks")) ",\n") "\n};\n")) (define (DeclarationTemplate module) (string-append (string-join (map (lambda (cb) (string-append "extern" (assoc-ref cb "declaration") ";")) (assoc-ref module "callbacks")) "\n") "\n" (if (assoc-ref module "initialize") (string-append "extern " (assoc-ref (assoc-ref module "initialize") "declaration") ";\n") "") (if (assoc-ref module "cleanup") (string-append "extern " (assoc-ref (assoc-ref module "cleanup") "declaration") ";\n") ""))) (define (InfoTemplate module) (string-append " { \"" (assoc-ref module "clean-name") "\",\" " (render-callback (assoc-ref module "initialize")) ", " (render-callback (assoc-ref module "cleanup")) ", _clar_cb_" (assoc-ref module "name") ", " (length (assoc-ref module "callbacks")) ", " (assoc-ref module "enabled") " }")) (define (write data) (define (name< module-a module-b) (string<? (assoc-ref module-a "name") (assoc-ref module-b "name"))) (define modules (sort (load) name<)) (define (suite-count) (length modules)) (define (callback-count) (fold + 0 (map (lambda (entry) (assoc-ref entry "callbacks")) modules))) (define (display-x value) (display value data)) (for-each (compose display-x DeclarationTemplate) modules) (for-each (compose display-x CallbacksTemplate) modules) (display-x "static struct clar_suite _clar_suites[] = {") (display-x (string-join (map InfoTemplate modules) ",")) (display-x "\n};\n") (display-x "static const size_t _clar_suite_count = ") (display-x (number->string (suite-count))) (display-x ";\n") (display-x "static const size_t _clar_callback_count = ") (display-x (number->string (callback-count))) (display-x ";\n") (display (string-append "Written `clar.suite` (" callback-count " tests in " suite-count " suites")) #t) (call-with-output-file (string-append output "/clar.suite") write)) ;;; main (define (main) (define option-spec '((force (single-char #\f) (value #f)) (exclude (single-char #\x) (value #t)) (output (single-char #\o) (value #t)) (help (single-char #\h) (value #f)))) (define options (getopt-long (command-line) option-spec #:stop-at-first-non-option #t)) (define args (reverse (option-ref options '() '()))) (when (> (length args) 1) (display "More than one path given\n") (exit 1)) (if (< (length args) 1) (set! args '("."))) (let* ((path (car args)) (output (option-ref options 'output path)) (excluded (filter-map (match-lambda (('exclude . value) value) (_ #f)) options))) (generate-TestSuite path output excluded))) (main)
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