On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 20:16:16 -0400, Mark H Weaver wrote:
> Mark H Weaver <m...@netris.org> writes:
>> To begin, I'm currently building IceCat using the bundled NSPR and NSS,
>> to see if that helps.
> Using the bundled NSPR and NSS works around the problem for me.  I just
> pushed this change in commit 6d328879378fac95240005233331f596fb5c68ed on
> 'master'.  See also the related, immediately preceding commits
> 257e3247910610fe24ae1b86f38e85552d53e48c and
> 94e96f7f68c3b9053fdb5dee5b0ab614163aaa08.


> I'm keeping this bug report open, since it would be good to find a
> better fix which avoids using the bundled libraries.

I wish I knew enough to suggest a better solution.

It's a little late now, but I just tested the IceCat binary on a Debian
machine and HTTPS works as expected.

Thanks again for your work on this.  Maybe I'll let IceCat build
overnight so I can give it a try tomorrow (still on my X200).

Mike Gerwitz

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