On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 04:08:26PM +0200, Danny Milosavljevic wrote:
> Building from this channel:


> no code for module (guix config)
> guix pull: error: You found a bug: the program 
> '/gnu/store/njdhsdv216hyk23nfrc7wh9hbq17ymxk-compute-guix-derivation'
> failed to compute the derivation for Guix (version: 
> "53c64d7c9303d52cbacdaca5d182175d472c53db"; system: "x86_64-linux";
> host version: "20f8d73face564deec2f21130fb465c8c3d9a8e9"; pull-version: 1).

Discussed on #guix [0]:

[14:40:28] <civodul> hmm 
/gnu/store/njdhsdv216hyk23nfrc7wh9hbq17ymxk-compute-guix-derivation has no 
[15:49:47] <civodul> if i rebuild compute-guix-derivation.drv locally, it gets 
a proper list of referenecs
[15:52:40] <lfam> civodul: How do you figure out which drv it is?
[15:52:52] <civodul> "guix gc --derivers ...-compute-guix-derivation"

Ludo rebuilt the affected file on berlin.guixsd.org, so you garbage
collect 'njdhsdv216hyk23nfrc7wh9hbq17ymxk-compute-guix-derivation' and
then try again.

If that doesn't work yet, rebuild one of the derivers locally with

[0] https://bayfront.guixsd.org/.well-known/logs/2018-09-24.log

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