Hi Folks,

I'm having problems running Python code that depends on the
"python-cairocffi" package. Running "from cairocffi._ffi import ffi" on
Trisquel 8 works fine, but on GuixSD I get:

$ guix environment --container --ad-hoc python cairo python-cairocffi
$ python3.6 -c "from cairocffi._ffi import ffi"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
line 41, in <module>
    cairo = dlopen(ffi, 'cairo', 'cairo-2')
line 38, in dlopen
    raise OSError("dlopen() failed to load a library: %s" % ' / '.join(names))
OSError: dlopen() failed to load a library: cairo / cairo-2

The background on this is that I use the Weasyprint PDF library from
PyPI and Weasyprint issues the above "from cairocffi._ffi import ffi".

I'm running GuixSD up-to-date with the latest master branch.


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