Konrad Hinsen <konrad.hin...@fastmail.net> skribis:

> l...@gnu.org (Ludovic Courtès) writes:
>>> Yes. Installed kernels are normally under $prefix/share/jupyter/kernels.
>>> A standard installation of Jupyter via PyPI also installs a kernel for
>>> the same Python interpreter that is used for Jupyter. Additional kernels
>>> can then be installed afterwards.
>> So my understanding is that there’s no bug on our side, right?
> That depends on what you call a bug.
> The current behavior of the Guix package for Jupyter is not in conflict
> with any written documentation for Jupyter, but does not respect a
> convention that standard installations (via pip, for example) do
> respect. This convention says that the default Python kernel for Jupyter
> uses the same Python installation as Jupyter itself.

Oh, got it.

> I'd vote for respecting this convention, and I'd be happy to work on an
> implementation, but don't count on me for this before August.

Alright, we’ll see!

Thanks for the explanation,

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