>>>      The result of running ‘guix pull’ is a “profile” available under
>>>   ‘~/.config/guix/current’ containing the latest Guix.  Thus, make sure to
>>>   add it to the beginning of your search path so that you use the latest
>>>   version, and similarly for the Info manual (*note Documentation::):
>>>        export PATH="$HOME/.config/guix/current/bin:$PATH"
>>>        export INFOPATH="$HOME/.config/guix/current/share/info:$INFOPATH"
>> This sounds like something could be done by guix itself, choosing the
>> right profile path by $HOME. Since guix has absolute control about this
>> piece of information?
> I think it would be bad for Guix to modify your ~/.bashrc directly, so
> it’s better to let users do that.

Well, I mean a wrapper script looks similar to this in /usr/bin or

      # A wrapper named guix lives in /usr/bin/ or /usr/local/bin
      exec $HOME/.config/guix/current/bin/guix "$@"

I might be wrong, please forgive my poor knowledge.

> GuixSD will have the right PATH and INFOPATH by default, though.
>>> Caveats:
>>>   1. The ~/.config/guix/current profile really lives there.  That is,
>>>      unlike ~/.guix-profile, it’s not in /var/guix/profiles/per-user.
>>>      That could be an issue for cluster setups where home directories
>>>      are not scanned by the Guix GC.  Cluster folks, please tell me!
>> What does that mean? We have a guix directory under $HOME/.config,
>> inside there's a symlink to /gnu/store/...-guix-<commit>. Does "really
>> lives there" mean the new profile is not a symlink but a concrete
>> directory or hard link?
> Please see how ~/.guix-profile and
> /var/guix/profiles/per-user/$USER/guix-profile work together.  Basically
> generations show up in /var/guix/profiles, whereas ~/.guix-profile is a
> fixed symlink.

Thanks for the explanation, but running $ls shows:

lrwxrwxrwx. 1 fis fis 44 Mar 28 16:41 .guix-profile -> 

You are talking about the same directory
"/var/guix/profiles/per-user/$USER/guix-profile" and "~/.guix-profile".

That's fine, I am waiting for the new feature to land home in my
device anyway. I will inspect more closely then.

>>>   3. C++ code is not built.  I wonder which will come first: getting rid
>>>      of the C++ code, or building it?  :-)
>> In the future world, how do we update guix daemon? Is't still running
>> guix pull && guix package -u under root user?
> In the future world, ‘guix pull’ updates everything: client-side and
> daemon.  Currently it’s still client-side only.

That sounds really nice! Thanks!

> HTH!

Interesting, you never run out of acronym :). If it means "hope this
help", sure, thanks for the reply.

> Ludo’.

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