
Andreas Enge <andr...@enge.fr> skribis:

> in trying out the new bayfront machine, I raised the number of concurrent
> build jobs to 10; the number of build accounts is programmatically set to
> twice this number.

Indeed, (sysadmin services) in guix-maintenance.git does that.

> 2018-02-27T18:31:16 batch of builds (partially) failed:all build users are 
> currently in use; consider creating additional users and adding them to the 
> `guixbuild' group (status: 1)


> Hm, the directories in /tmp are created by guixbuilder01 to guixbuilder10.
> 10 is the default value, but it should have been overwritten.
> And in /etc/passwd, I see 20 users. But apparently, they are not used!

There’s something fishy here.  What does “getent group guixbuild”


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