Hello, an error I am seeing from time to time in my cuirass.log file when testing bayfront:
Uncaught exception in fiber ##f: In ice-9/boot-9.scm: 829:9 4 (catch _ _ #<procedure 7f8567e4c7d0 at cuirass/base.sc?> ?) In cuirass/base.scm: 599:26 3 (_) 531:2 2 (build-packages _ #<<sqlite-db> pointer: #<pointer 0x7?> ?) 381:27 1 (spawn-builds #<build-daemon 256.97 622e7910> #<<sqlit?> ?) In srfi/srfi-1.scm: 414:16 0 (split-at _ _) srfi/srfi-1.scm:414:16: In procedure split-at: In procedure cdr: Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting pair): () This may be related to bug #30644, since it always (in three cases) follows a line such as: 2018-02-28T06:26:31 batch of builds (partially) failed:all build users are currently in use; consider creating additional users and adding them to the `guixbuild' group (status: 1) But conversely, not all lines "batch of builds..." are followed by this error, and anyway the order of output may be mixed up between different threads. Andreas