Hello, just for reference, I locally updated julia to 0.6.2, and the tests still fail, but not in the same way:
Error in testset linalg/arnoldi: Test Failed Expression: sort((eigs(A, B, nev=k, sigma=1.0))[1]) ≈ sort((eigvals(A, B))[1:k]) Evaluated: [0.022743, 0.165356, 2.892] ≈ [0.022743, 2.892, 1.0574e15] Error in testset misc: Error During Test Got an exception of type LoadError outside of a @test LoadError: Deprecation test failed, cmd : `/tmp/guix-build-julia-0.6.2.drv-0/julia-0.6.2/usr/bin/julia --check-bounds=yes --startup-file=no deprecation_exec.jl` while loading /tmp/guix-build-julia-0.6.2.drv-0/julia-0.6.2/test/misc.jl, in expression starting on line 717 ERROR: LoadError: Test run finished with errors while loading /tmp/guix-build-julia-0.6.2.drv-0/julia-0.6.2/test/runtests.jl, in expression starting on line 29 Andreas